dimanche 11 novembre 2012


i just started to fill my wall with some cool ads i found in some magaines like vogue, elle etc ! i really like it, so i thought i'd share it with you :)

new babies

OMG guys, i got the most beautiful boots ever. i am in loooooove <3

They are from Yellow (a shoe store in Quebec) they were only 40$ !! There are some similar at Aldo, but they are 90$ and i don't like to spend that much money on boots lol. 2 years ago i got some combat boots at Yellow too, gor about 40$, and i still wear them, they are not damaged :) so i took the chance and bought them anyway! i will probably wear them everyday every night every second of my life haha !!

thanks lovelies
xoxo roxie

dimanche 4 novembre 2012

Outfit of the night :)

Hello people :) i thought i'd share you an outfit of the night, when i went out in a bar with my friends last week ! it is quite simple but i like it....

leather pants: H&M, shoes: H&M 15$, top: simons bracelets: online

And guys, is it just me or as it is getting colder outside, i don't freaking know how to dress to go out, god !! i'm like can i wear a dresse or shorts or is it too cold? then i go out and inside the club with my pants i am like sweating cause it's too hot haha. 

anyways thanks lovelies
xoxo Roxie

vendredi 2 novembre 2012


hello :) this week was halloween, so i decided to show you how i dressed up ! i actually had 2 parties so i had 2 costumes :) they are quite simple and i bought nothing to do them !

first one, i wore on saturday night...

i was black swan :) i don't have a full picture of my costumes but it was quite simple, everything was in the make up ! i wore my leather skirt (which i showed in a recent haul from f21) and a simple black tank top! i added to it some black gloves and a feather 'boa' with black heels! for the make up, it was not that hard, but i still looked at a tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZwaKDaSgqY that's it :)

second one on oct31st...

i was sandy from grease :) this one was quite simple. i wore AA disco pants (which i borrowed from my brother's GF and i absolutly need some) with a black tank, a gold bracelet, some yello heels (i didn't have red ones) and my leather jacket ! for my hair i curled them a bit, but they are pretty much like this naturally, and put a bobypin to keep the right side on the back ! i had my normal make up, with a bright red lipstick!

you don't always need to spend tons of money 
on halloween to be pretty and have a cute costume :) 
thanks lovelies, 
xoxo roxie